What I Wish I Knew When I Started Writing + Blogging

I started writing and blogging in 2011.

Here is what I wish someone had told me then:

1. Write morning pages to clean the pipes.

2. Call yourself a writer when you want to.

3. Don't just write. Learn copywriting.

4. Separate writing and editing.

5. Your first draft is like a brain dump, it will suck. Don't stop moving your fingers.

6. Write first, research later.

7. Write every single day in the morning.

8. Read fiction and poetry.

9. Create writing rituals.

10. Write more than you consume.

11. Use Scrivener.

12. Take building your Twitter following seriously.

13. Write with others in a writing group.

14. Break (your own) rules.

15. Write like you talk.

16. Set public deadlines for accountability.

17. Take a lot of notes as you go about your day.

18. Write in Pomodoros of 25 minutes.

19. Ignore everyone. Focus on yourself.

20. Sit on a couch to write. It helps ideas flow.

(This is atomic essay #13, which is part of 30 Days of Writing #Ship30for30)


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