How to NEVER Fail at a 30 Day Challenge

I didn't post my daily essay yesterday.

I started writing, but then simply forgot to finish it as I was working really hard on the sales page for my upcoming course.

So technically, I did write. A ton actually. But I didn't publish it.

If there is one thing I have learned from doing many of these kinds of challenges, it's this:

  • It's ok to miss a day.

  • Don't beat yourself up.

You acknowledge the fall, you get back on the horse and you keep going.

There is just one rule I really try to keep when it comes to habits:

Don't miss two days in a row.

One is no big deal. But two makes it easier to also miss it a third time and a fourth and then boom, you've lost momentum and it's really hard to get back into it.

Embrace anti-perfectionism.

A missed day is no excuse to stop altogether.

Keep going, keep creating, keep shipping.

If you completely fall off the path, then check in with yourself honestly - a good idea is to journal or meditate on why your unconscious decided to quit prematurely.

In any case, make sure to be kind to yourself and not let your inner critic take over.

(This is atomic essay #12, which is part of 30 Days of Writing #Ship30for30)


What I Wish I Knew When I Started Writing + Blogging


For Creators Who Feel Like Their Work Isn’t Unique Enough