How I Discovered Breathwork

My life used to be an emotional and dramatic rollercoaster.

Then the breath and Breathwork entered my life.

I had my first introduction to transformational Breathwork in a workshop with Michael Stone in his home in Venice Beach, CA, several years ago.

It blew my mind (as it does to first-time breathers)

I had done plant medicine before this. I had done drugs in my teenage years and early twenties. I had experiment with lots of spiritual practices and invested a ton of money into all sorts of healing modalities.

And here I was sitting and “merely” breathing and accessing altered states of consciousness, processing moments from my childhood, connecting to my inner child and accessing parts of myself I hadn’t been able to access before - by breathing and listening to intense music with a group of people wearing eye masks. I was immediately fascinated.

It took me another while to properly explore the transformational power of Breathwork.

I was going through a big transition in my life due to a recent breakup. I wanted to consciously process my emotions and sadness and thus decided to explore more body-based somatic work again. I intuitively knew I couldn’t figure out my recurring pain and challenges in relationships by staying on the level of the mind, by meditating and doing talk therapy. I knew I had to go into my body.

Breathwork resurfaced on my horizon.

This time around, I started to experiment with different styles and teachers. I went to every Breathwork circle I could find in Bali. I booked private sessions to go even deeper with practitioners.

I consciously approached every breathing session to process my breakup and old stored emotions in my body and psyche – and it was amazing. I shifted endless amounts of current and old pain, anger and fears. After each session, I felt re-born, relieved and lighter. And a little more connected to my body and my emotions.

Eventually, it became clear that becoming a Breathwork practitioner was my dharma. It’s the medicine I am here to share with others.

Working with my breath has transformed me and my life in ways I could have never imagined.

It helped me find healing and inner peace. It helped me find a connection to my body and emotions I never had.

It enabled me to meet my partner who is also a Breathwork Teacher.

It feels like several emotional mount Everests climbs without a break lie behind me and I have reached a high plateau with fresh air, where I can take a breather, integrate years of ups and downs and truly focus on sharing my gifts and my passion without the painful distractions and energy leaks.

I have no idea what life still has in store for me.

I’m open to it all. Because I have my breath.


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