The Full Moon Hangover

I had a massive emotional release yesterday.

It was right on time with the full moon in Aries last night.

“Aries is a very powerful sign and represents warriors, courage, bravery, assertiveness and leadership. On the other hand, the shadow expression is competitive, mean, selfish and wants to wins at all costs.”

“The Moon is also conjunct with Chiron, an asteroid known as ‘The Wounded Healer’. Chiron represents our biggest wound, and our biggest opportunity for growth in this lifetime. Wherever Chiron sits in our charts is where our greatest trauma has occurred, and the area we are here to transform.”

Rising Woman

I cried and cried and processed a lot of sadness and anger. Eventually, I moved into surrender and fully let go.

Today, my eyes are sore and my body is exhausted.

I also feel that something shifted inside of me. I can sense a space of a little more liberation.

There is freedom in surrender.


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