Creative Confidence: A Mini-Guide

Many people think creativity and confidence are part of our DNA. Something we either have or don't have.

Others think you have to be extroverted to be truly confident as a creator.

Or that creators who seem confident don't struggle with insecurities. Like, ever.

The truth is: these are all myths.

Anyone can develop creative confidence.

I used to be a highly insecure teenager and too afraid to follow my dream to apply to photography and film school. I chose to study communication and media with a focus on journalism at university instead, but my profs didn't like my writing and I never made it above a C grade in my writing classes

After graduating, I started blogging and writing online, making videos on YouTube and sharing my photography on Instagram.

I have reached millions of people over the last 10 years, taught thousands to do the same and sold one of my most popular blogs in 2019.

I never considered myself creative or confident growing up. But here I am.

We can use the power of neuro-plasticity to transform who we are.

Here is how:

Do the outer work: Create or write every day. Become a prolific creator. Practice and ship daily.

Do the inner work: Explore the roots of your insecurities and lack of confidence - what stories do you tell yourself? What beliefs are part of your conditioning?

Limit how much you consume online to leave the toxic comparison trap. Read books instead.

Unleash your inner creator and share your medicine with the world. That's what you are here for.

(This is atomic essay #5, which is part of 30 Days of Writing #Ship30for30)


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