The Lazy People’s Guide to Building a Daily Writing Habit

One of the most valuable skills and most powerful habits is writing.

Here is how to write every day for people who struggle with daily habits:

  1. Set the bar incredibly low.

  2. Track your progress.

  3. Make a plan in advance.

  4. Set a writing cue.

  5. Reward yourself.

  6. Commit to the process for at least 90 days in a row.

  7. You must be dedicated to writing every day.

  8. Set up a daily reminder system.

  9. Tell people about it.

  10. Fall in love with it.

This is how I make writing a thing I just do every day - like, no big deal. Like brushing my teeth.

I don’t think about it anymore, I just sit down and do it without thinking about it.


(This is atomic essay #23, which is part of 30 Days of Writing #Ship30for30)


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