How to Get Out of Your Over-Active Mind

“We think too much and feel too little.”

- Charlie Chaplin

Here is what is so awesome about the breath:

It serves as a bridge that connects body and mind.

🌬 When I do my daily Breathwork practice, the breath grounds me in by body, it centers me. It slows down my mind activity, it calms my nervous system. The less I think, the more I can be present in my body and feel life, the less I'm in the past or the future.

💨 And during a deep Breathwork journey, conscious connected breathing helps me come back into my emotional world to process and release.
Breathwork journeys give us a safe space to feel, especially when done with a facilitator.

As I was going through a tough breakup a while back, the medicine of my own breath helped me to actually work through and with my emotions rather than get stuck in them.

When we go through painful experiences, it's too easy to loose ourselves in the stories our ego minds tell us. It's too easy to not dig deeper. Breathwork opens up the space to connect to the younger parts of ourselves that were already wounded a long time ago, that had to shut down their pain and needs, that never got the chance to be seen and healed.

We can use Breathwork as an emotional workout to release emotional and energetic charge that we haven’t processed or taken the time to process.

We can clear emotional conditioning in the body so we can connect to what’s underneath.

What's underneath? Our intuition. Joy and peace. The magic of life.

Think less, breathe more, feel more.


PS: I am starting a free Breathwork newsletter! 💌
It will serve as your regular dose of science-based insights for emotional healing, better health and performance using the power of the breath.
First edition goes out this week. Sign up here!

(This is atomic essay #18, which is part of 30 Days of Writing #Ship30for30)


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